Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2012 Yuan-Kang Wua, Gia-Yo Han, Ching-Yin Lee, Planning 10 onshore wind farms with corresponding interconnection network and power system analysis for low-carbon-island development on PenghuIsland,Taiwan, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
2012 Ching-Zon Yen, Ping-Huang Wu, and Ching-Fang Lin, Analysis of Experts’ and Novices’ Thinking Processin Program Debugging, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
2012 吳元康,李清吟,林輝政, 新世代綠能及儲能運轉, 中國電機工程學會電工通訊季刊, 2
2010 Shao-Hong Tsai. Ching-Yin Lee and Yuan-Kang Wu, Efficient Calculation of Critical Eigenvalues in Large Power Systems Using the Real Variant of the Jacobi-Davidson QR Method , IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 4, 4
2009 Yuan-Kang Wu. Ching-Shan Chen. Yi-Shuo Huang. Ching-Yin Lee, Advanced Analysis of Clustered Photovoltaic System’s Performance Based on the Battery-Integrated Voltage Control Algorithm, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 10, 4
2009 Ji-Chyun Liu. Ta-Cheng Liu. Bing-Hao Zeng. Hsi-Chiang Chou, Dual-mode Ring Resonator with Inductive shaped Perturbations for Miniaturizations and dual-bands, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 51, 8
2009 Chang-Huang Chen, Dynamics of Personal Best Oriented Particle Swarm Optimizer, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 32, 2
2009 劉志文.蒲冠志.楊金石.陳昭榮.汪以仁.簡士恩.李建鋒.周一婷, 台電系統全黑啟動運轉能力評估, 台電工程月刊, 726
2008 Chang-Huang Chen. Sheng-Nian Yeh, Personal Best Oriented Particle Swarm Optimizer for Economic Dispatch Problem With Piecewise Quadratic Cost Functions, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 15, 5
2008 Ping-Huang Wu and Chin-Hwa Kuo, The Design and Implementation of a Remote Automatic Control Laboratory:Using PID Control as an Example, The Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 8, 2