Conference Paper

Year Paper Title
2003 A Web-based Virtual Laboratory for PLC, ICCE 2003, 中國China - 香港,
2003 Solving Norlinear System of Equations by Evolutionary Algorithm, 2003 International Conference on Informations, Cybernetics and Systems. 義守大學, 台灣Taiwan - 高雄,
2003 Finding Root By Genetic Algorithm, 2003人工智慧.模糊系統及灰色系統聯合研討會, 大同大學, 台灣Taiwan - 台北,
2003 A Study on Seismic Response and Vulnerability of Electric Power System, 2-nd Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Lifeline Performance and Disaster Mitigation, 日本 - Kobe,
2003 Seismic Performance Analysis of Electric Power Network in Taiwan, Int. Confer. Adv. and New Challenges in Earthquake Eng. Res. (ICANCEER), 中國China - Harbin,
2003 Analytical Two-Segment Method to Predict the Chaotic Phenonmenon in Nonlinear System, 2003中華民國自動控制研討會, 台灣Taiwan - 中壢,
2002 Design of Control Experiments on the Internet, IEEE International Conference on Advaned Learning Technologies, 俄羅斯聯邦 - 莫斯科,
2002 Edge Detection Based on Class Ratio, 第七屆人工智慧與應用研討會, 台灣Taiwan - 南投,