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[1]       Lee, Ching-Yin and N. Chen, "Distribution Factors of Reactive Power Flow in Transmission Line and Transformer Outage Studies," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.194-200, February, (1992).(SCI)

[2]       Lee, Ching-Yin and N. Chen, "Derivations and Applications Various Factors in Reactive Power Outage Studies," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.213-223, March, (1993).(SCI)

[3]    李清吟, 陳昭榮, 曾國雄, "高職和二專電機科專業科目結構與銜接之研究," 技術學刊, 第九卷, 第三期, 253 ~ 258, (1994).

[4]    李清吟, " 臺北工專電機科『專題製作』課程之規劃與實施," 技術學刊, 第十卷, 第三期, 299 ~ 307 , (1995).

[5]    李清吟, 何文德, 宋平生, 黃傳興, " 中國國家標準中感應電動機效率之檢查與建議," 技術學刊, 第十一卷, 第一期, 405 ~ 412 , (1996).

[6]    李清吟, 何文德, 高文秀, 陳斌魁, 朱文成, 李清元, 許炎豐, 林建廷, 陳以彥, "三相不平衡電源對感應電動機之影響", 臺電工程月刊, 575, 55~70, (1996).

[7]    高文秀, 李清吟, 龍仁光, 陸臺根, "用電器具頻率相依之負載特性研究", 臺電工程月刊, 579, 55~65, (1996).

[8]      Lee, Ching-Yin, "Temperature-Based Optimal Test Sequence for Determining the Equivalent Circuit Parameters of a Three-Phase Induction Motor," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 459-465, (1998). (EI)

[9]      Lee, Ching-Yin, Bin-Kwei Chen, Wei-Jen Lee, Yen-Feng Hsu, "Effects of Various Unbalanced Voltages on the Operation Performance of an Induction Motor under the Same Unbalance Voltage Factor Condition," International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 47, pp. 153-163, (1998).(SCI)

[10]  Lee, Ching-Yin, "Effects of Unbalanced Voltage on the Operation Performance of a Three-Phase Induction Motor," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 202~208, June, (1999).(SCI)

[11]  Lee, Ching-Yin and Wei-Jen Lee, "Effects of Nonsinusoidal Voltage on the Operation Performance of a Three-phase Induction Motor," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 193~201, June, (1999). (NSC85-2213-E-027-007) (SCI)

[12]  沈思剛,邱友霖,李清吟差分式GPS定位理論及在CNS/ATM衛星駐導航系統發展上之應用,民航季刊,第二卷,第二期,第253~286頁,六月,(2000)。

[13]  李清吟,廖昭文,周仁祥,“CIPP評鑑模式在實務專題課程上的應用-以臺北科技大學電機系為例,北京聯合大學高教研究,第2期,第44~50頁,十二月,(2000)。

[14]  蒲冠志,陳南鳴,劉志文,李清吟,王勝寬,陳清山,蔡土城,余森年,林水秀,廖清榮,強化臺電電力系統穩定度研究,臺電工程月刊,第668期,第47~81頁,(2004)。

[15]  李清吟,陳昭榮,許炎豐,趙海文,陳政志,臺電輸電系統裝設並聯電抗器補償最佳單組容量之選定,臺電工程月刊,第673期,第69~81頁,(2004)。.

[16]  高文秀,江曉東,李清吟,曾國雄等,臺電電力系統負載特性之研究,臺電工程月刊,第691期,第30~46頁,3月,(2006)。

[17]  Yung-Chung Chang, Wu-Hsing Chen, Ching-Yin Lee and Chung-Neng Huang, “Simulated annealing based optimal chiller loading for saving energy,” Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 47, Issue 15-16, pp. 2044~2058, September, (2006). (SCI)

[18]  Ching-Yin Lee, H. H. Lu, H. Yee, W. I. Lin, S. J. Tzeng, and P. C. Lai, “Directly Modulated Fiber Optical CATV Transport Systems without Optical Amplification,” IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 4, pp. 282-287, (2007). (SCI)

[19]  H. H. Lu, W. I. Lin, Ching-Yin Lee, S. J. Tzeng, and Y. W. Chuang, "A Full-Duplex Radio-on-Photonic Crystal Fiber Transport System", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 19, pp. 831-833, 2007. (SCI)

[20]  H. H. Lu, W. I. Lin, W. J. Ho, Ching-Yin Lee, S. J. Tzeng, and P. C. Lai, "Radio over DWDM Transport Systems for PHS/VICS/ETC/SB Applications", IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 11, pp. 995-997, 2007. (SCI)

[21]  陳昭榮, 李清吟, 周至如等,臺電系統低頻卸載之最佳規劃, ”臺電工程月刊,第721期,第88-95頁,9月(2008)。

[22]  Yung-Chung Chang, Ching-Yin Lee, “Evolution Strategy Based Optimal Chiller Loading for Saving Energy, Energy Conversion and Management,” Vol. 50, pp. 132-139, October, (2008). (SCI)

[23]  Yuan-Kang Wu, Ching-Shan Chen, Yi-Shuo Huang and Ching-Yin Lee, “Advanced Analysis of Clustered Photovoltaic System's Performance Based on the Battery-Integrated Voltage Control Algorithm,” International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol. 10, Iss. 4, Article 3, (2009). (EI)

[24]  Shao-Hong Tsai, Ching-Yin Lee and Yuan-Kang Wu, “Efficient Calculation of Critical Eigenvalues in Large Power Systems Using the Real Variant of the Jacobi-Davidson QR Method,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 467- 478. (2010). (SCI)

[25]  李清吟等,離岸風場併入系統之衝擊研究, ”臺電工程月刊,第740期,第85-101頁,4月(2010)。

[26]  李清吟等,高壓交流與高壓直流海纜傳輸對系統之衝擊, ” 已獲臺電工程月刊接受(2010)。

[27]  Yuan-Kang Wu, Ching-Yin Lee, Le-Chang Liu and Shao-Hong Tsai, “Study of Reconfiguration for the Distribution System with Distributed Generators,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, (2010). (SCI)

[28]  Ching-Yin Lee, Shao-Hong Tsai and Yuan-Kang Wu, “A new approach to the assessment of steady-state voltage stability margins using the P-Q-V curves,” accepted by International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, (2010). (SCI)



[6] Chang-Huang  Chen & Sheng-Nian Yeh,“Dynamics of personal best oriented particle swarm optimizer”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol.32, no.2, March, 2009, pp.265-276.

[5] Chang-Huang Chen and Sheng-Nian Yeh, “Personal best oriented particle swarm optimizer for economic dispatch problems with piecewise quadratic cost functions”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol.15, no.5, Oct., 2008, pp.389-397.

[4]   Chang-Huang Chen, "A general root solver based on evolutionary algorithm" 科技學刊, vol.13, no.4, Oct., 2004, pp.253-260.

[3]   Chang-Huang Chen, “Determining the minimum capacitor for self-excited induction generator by genetic algorithm”, 東南學報, 第二十七期, Dec. 2004, pp.81-88.

[2]   Chang-Huang Chen, "A new method for grey modeling jump series", The Journal of Grey System., vol. 14, no. 2, 2002, pp. 123-132.

[1]   Chang-Huang Chen, “A new form of grey relational coefficient”, 東南學報,第二十四期,Jan. 2002, pp.81-88.





[1]   Ji-Chyun Liu, Hsi-Chiang Chou, and Ju-Chi Chung, Accurate Measurement of the Q Factor for the Cavity Perturbation Method, Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett., Vol.13, No.2, pp.87-90, Oct. 1996

[2]   Ji-Chyun Liu, Ju-Chi Chung, and Hsi-Chiang Chou, Improved Different Averaging Technique fit Comparison Decrement Method, IEE Proc. AP, Vol. 144, No.5, pp.377-382, Oct. 1997

[3]   Ji-Chyun Liu, Hsi-Chiang Chou, and Wei, Z. H., Analyzing Nonlinear Phenomena in Oscillator with Slowing Varying Parameter, J. Chung Cheng Inst. Tech., Vol-26, No.2, Jan. 1998, pp.165-174

[4]   Ji-Chyun Liu, Hsi-Chiang Chou, and Ju-Chi Chung, Clarifying Chaotic Phenomenon in the Lurs System Form, Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett., Vol. 22, No.5, Sep. 1999, pp.323-328

[5]   Ji-Chyun Liu, Hsi-Chiang Chou, and Ju-Chi Chung, Analyzing Nonlinear Phenomena in Parallel-Connected Tunneling diode Oscillator with the Hope Bifurcation Theorem, J. Chung Cheng Inst. Tech., Vol.28, pp.95-104, 1999

[6]   Ji-Chyun Liu, Hsi-Chiang Chou, Ming-Chou Liao, and Yi-Shun Ho, Non-Autonomous Chaotic Analysis of the Colpitts Oscillator with Lurs System, Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 175~181 , Feb. 2003

[7]   Hsi-Chiang Chou, Predicting the Chaotic Phenonmenon in Nonlinear System, J. Tung Nan Inst. Tech., Vol. 26, pp.165-174, Feb. 2004.

[8]   Hsi-Chiang Chou, Message Transmission Using Chaotic Modulation- Demodulation System, Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, Vol. 45, No. 4, May 2005, pp. 321~324

[9]   Hsi-Chiang Chou, Analyzing Chaotic Phenomenon in MESFET Oscillator with Hopf Bifurcation, J. Tung Nan Inst. Tech., Vol. 28, pp.173-182, June. 2005.

[10]   周錫強, “變容二極體電路之非線性動態現象探討,” 東南學報第27, pp.63~70, Jan. 2005

[11]   周錫強, 趙樑, “應用賀伯夫分歧理論分析並聯式透納二極體振盪器之非線性現象,” 東南學報第27, pp.71~80, Jan. 2005.

[12]   周錫強, 林英哲, 鍾吉榮, 徐勝銓,“應用賀伯夫分歧理論分析微波金屬半導體場效電晶體振盪器之混沌現象,” 東南學報第28, pp.157~164, Jun. 2005.

[13]   Hsi-Chiang Chou, Analyzing Chaotic Phenomenon in Colpitts Oscillator Based on Lurs System Form and Hopf Bifurcation Theorem, Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 190~195 , Jan. 2006.

[14]   周錫強, 鍾吉榮, 徐瑋宏, 劉智群,“分析哈特萊振盪器之動態行為,” 東南學報第33, pp.91~100, Jun. 2008.

[15]   Ji-Chyun Liu, Ta-Cheng Liu, Bing-Hao Zeng, and Hsi-Chiang Chou, Dual-Mode Ring Resonators with Inductive Shaped Perturbations For Miniaturizations and Dual-Bands, Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, Vol. 51, No.8, pp. 1986~1991 , Aug. 2009.


[1]. Y. J. Huang and Y. J. Wang, “Robust PID tuning strategy for uncertain plants based on Kharitonov theorem,” ISA   Transactions, Vol. 39, pp. 419-431, 2000.

[2]. Y. J. Huang and Y. J. Wang, “Robust automatic aircraft lateral beam guidance control using gain-phase margin tester method,” Journal of The Franklin Institute, Vol. 338, pp. 47-59, 2001.

[3]. Y. J. Huang and Y. J. Wang, “Robust PID controller design for non-minimum phase time delay systems,” ISA Transactions, Vol. 40, pp. 31-39, 2001.

[4]. Y. J. Wang and Y. J. Huang, “Steady-state analysis for a class of sliding mode controlled systems using describing function method,” Nonlinear Dynamics, No. 30, pp. 223-241, 2002.

[5]. Y. J. Huang and Y. J. Wang, “Limit cycle analysis for electro-hydraulic systems with friction,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 277-285,        2002

[6]. Y. J. Wang, “A Graphical Technique for Limit Cycle Analysis of Uncertain Nonlinear Control Systems,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 1023-1036, 2007 (SCI).

[7]. Y. J. Wang, “Robust Prevention of Limit Cycle for Nonlinear Control Systems with Parametric Uncertainties both in the Linear Plant and Nonlinearity,” Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Transactions (ISA Transactions), Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 479-491, October, 2007 (SCI). 

[8]. Y. J. Wang, “Characterization and Quenching of Friction-induced Limit Cycles of Electro-Hydraulic Servovalve Control Systems with Transport Delay,” Submitted to ISA Transactions (in revision), 2009 (SCI).

[9]. Y. J. Wang, “Constant Force Feedback Controller Design Using Fuzzy Technique for a Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscope,” Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics (under review), 2008 (SCI).


[1] 劉志文,蒲冠志,楊金石,陳昭榮,汪以仁,簡士恩,李建鋒,周ㄧ婷,「台電系統全黑啟動運轉能力評估」,台電工程月刊,第726期,pp 49-75982

[2] Y. J. Wang, C. W. Liu, and Y. H. Liu, “A PMU based special protection scheme: A case study of Taiwan power system”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol.27, pp215-223, March, 2005.

[3] 劉志文,汪以仁,簡士恩,楊俊哲,門明杰,陳永田,黃德華,莊裕發,邱國智,「台電電力系統小信號穩定度之分析與改善」,台電工程月刊,第706期,pp 49-64966月。

[4] C. W. Liu, M. C. Su, S. S. Tsay and Yi-jen Wang, “Application of a Novel fuzzy neuro network to real-time transient stability swings prediction based on synchronized phasor measurements”, IEEE transactions on Power Systems, Vol.14, No.2, pp685-692, May, 1999.

[5] Chih-wen Liu, Shuenn-shing Tsay, Yi-jen Wang, and Mu-chun Su, “Neuro-fuzzy approach to real-time transient stability prediction based on synchronized phasor measurements”, ELSEVIER: Electric power systems research, vol.49, pp123-127, March, 1999.


[1] Chin-Hwa Kuo, Tay-Shen Wang, and Ping-Huang Wu, “Design of Networked Visual Monitoring Systems,” The Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3. pp. 149-161, Dec. 1999. (EI)

[2] Chin-Hwa Kuo, Ping-Huang Wu and Tay-Shen Wang, “On the Construction of a Color Model for Real-time Visual Moving Objects Segmentation,” The Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, No.2, pp. 87-98, June 2005. (EI)

[3] Ping-Huang Wu and Chin-Hwa Kuo, “The Design and Implementation of a Remote Automatic Control Laboratory: Using PID Control as an Example,” The Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No.2, pp. 219-228, June 2008. (EI)

[4] Ping-Huang Wu and Chin-Hwa Kuo, “A Counting Algorithm and Application of Image-Based Printed Circuit Boards ,” The Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Accepted on 1 July 2009. (EI)


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